Edit: Please keep Charleston in your thoughts and prayers after last night’s tragic shooting at a downtown church. So senseless and sad. Praying for peace for the families.


Did you know that this Sunday June 21st is national Wear Your Lilly day? As in Lilly Pulitzer. You’re probably not surprised to learn that my Lilly loves Lilly, because duh. It’s even spelled the same. So this a holiday she’s especially pumped about.





Lilly also likes ice cream. Any other locals love Beardcat’s on Sullivan’s? The chocolate chip flavor is our favorite, as seen here :)





Isn’t her little LP blue shift dress adorable? She regularly comes downstairs in it. We’re heading on a family vacation soon and she’s already announced that it’s her best Florida dress, ha!




My yellow dress is Lilly Pulitzer, too. And it goes perfectly with my summer white La Mer wrap watch.





How’d I get so lucky to have such a sweet girl?! I’m grateful every single day.


I’m Wearing:

lilly pulitzer lace dress ℅, la mer wrap watch ℅,

sam edelman sandals, jcrew rope earrings,

lizzie fortunato clutch, mary frances flowers bangles

hair – air dried in our southern, humid air :)


Lilly’s Wearing:

lilly pulitzer dress ℅, old navy sandals

hair – also air dried, just luckier


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Photography by Gray Benko.


Comments: 12

12 Responses to “Lilly Likes: National Lilly Day”

  1. Loving these on you both! SO bright and fun!!
    XO Color Me Courtney

  2. Shannon says:

    Hey Chassity, ya’ll look adorable!! we were just there last week on vacay and went to beardcat several times…it’s so yummy!! try key lime. hope you’re doing well!! xo- Shannon

  3. Chassity says:

    Thanks so much Carly!

  4. Chassity says:

    Oh you’re much better at this than I am – they’re beautiful though aren’t they?

  5. Chassity says:

    Yeah she’s pretty into most any treat :) Thanks so much, Kate!

  6. Chassity says:

    Thanks Chloe :)

  7. Chassity says:

    Thank you so much :)

  8. Design Chic says:

    Y’all look adorable – love your dresses and your Lilly (daughter) is precious!

  9. Chloe Watts says:

    This is the cutest thing!!x

  10. Such cute mother, daughter pics!! I love that Lilly is so enamored with her ice cream! Isn’t it great to be a kid? You both look lovely :)

    Taffeta & Tulips

  11. Kate says:

    Cute dresses. these window boxes are amazing. I see caladiums and ferns…are those impatiens that are trailing?

  12. carly says:

    You two look great in your Lilly dresses! Of course Lilly loves Lilly…..I would expect nothing less
    Dresses & Denim

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