Let’s resume our Designer’s Favorites series, shall we?? Many of you probably know Keely and her blog, luxe + lillies. I’ve been reading her for awhile now, and I absolutely love her take on style and substance. I had gotten my first peak of her home when she shared this…
and knew that I most certainly, without a doubt, really needed to see a lot more of it. I’m betting you did too. And so I present, the lovely Keely.
Hello! Keely here from luxe + lillies, and I’m thrilled to be sharing 5 of my favorite things from around my home today…
1. My white/gray Restoration Hardware bedding. I’m a lunatic about it [to be completely honest] I go as far as shutting my bedroom door all day so that no pets will disrupt my beautifully made bed. I adore how clean and classic it looks!
2. Art from my little brother. He is 8 years younger than me, and we have always been really close. These are a few of his first pieces, and I’m certainly his biggest fan. Of course he has gone on to create hundreds of pieces, all of which are fantastic- and I’m just so proud of him, I probably have 10 pieces on my walls…
3. My all-white bathroom. We live in a small place, and when we first moved in- I wasn’t sure about all the white. Now, I think its the best feature of our apartment. The white is so clean and bright, it makes the space feel much bigger than it is.
4. My workspace. Its a great little space next to the silk draperies I adore so much, our floor to ceiling windows, with my inspiration wall, and super girly damask patterned chair. I knew I needed to carve out a little workspace [no matter how tiny it was] and is perfect for me!
5. The bar tray. I made this menu from the drink menu at one of my favorite restaurants. There’s something so pretty about the shiny bottles, fun colors, and mirrored tray against the striped wall.
Thanks so much for having me today Chassity!
Thanks so much to Keely for stopping by today and sharing her home. Isn’t that framed bar menu genius?! Be sure to head over to her blog. You won’t be disappointed.

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