Our sweet, sweet baby boy is here!
Fletcher Graham (Fletcher is Josh’s middle name) was born on Saturday morning after an emergency C-Section. I had not been feeling well since Wednesday night. We spent all of Thanksgiving day and night in the hospital under the impression that I had a stomach bug and was severly dehydrated. After coming home mid morning on Friday and attempting to deal with the pain, the pain just became unmanageable and so we went back to the hospital Friday night. After lots of tests it was determined that I had HELLP syndrome. Blech. Not fun at all, let’s just get that out there. Has anyone else had this? God love ya. Well when you have HELLP the only “cure” is to deliver the baby, so deliver the sweet boy just 1 day shy of 35 weeks we did. I was not so happy about having a C-Section after having the smoothest delivery ever possible with Lilly, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned these past few days it’s that you just can’t always get what you want.
Happily, Fletcher is doing pretty well overall. He’s just a little guy, weighed in at 4 lbs 13 oz, and isn’t so interested in eating quite yet, but really overall he’s doing great for meeting us so early. I KNOW that the many, many prayers that have been sent to our family have a lot to do with this. I ask that if you have any extra prayers hanging around, please, pretty please send them to Fletcher. He probably has about 2 more weeks or so here in the hospital before we can bring him home.
I’m still healing here at the hospital too. I’ve had 3 blood transfusions so far and am getting two more this morning. I’ve been stuck with more needles than any other time in my life, and am really happy to be off the liquid diet as of yesterday. I’ve been laying low and haven’t had much energy for guests or coorespondence with friends and family (thanks to Josh for handling most of that)/ blogging etc, but am hoping I’m turning the corner and can feel more like myself soon. I did have a surprise visit from my Dad Saturday which was so wonderful. He flew down for a night so that he could meet his first grandson (yay I won that one, ha!) and check in on me of course.
So there’s my big update – sorry it’s been quiet over here on the blog. But I know you all are the best of the best of readers & friends and completely understand. Much love.
Oh and guess what, while the past few days have been so hard and trying, I still truly
consider myself blessed and lucky like I mentioned on Thanksgiving day :)

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