Let me vent for a day, please? I’m so sick of seeing this kind of headline “What Guys Really Want You To Wear” or “What Guys Don’t Like To See Women Wear”. I’m sorry, but who gives a flying ****?
How about we all just wear what we want to wear, what makes us feel good. We only live once (and it’s a quick life), so let’s just have fun with our wardrobe and not over think this. Do you think my husband likes everything in my closet? Nope, not at all. But he knows that dressing up is fun for me. And if I’m having fun in what I’m wearing then that makes me a more fun person to be around. And well isn’t that the whole point anyway? To enjoy life?
I asked Josh what he thought of this dress. He said it looks stupid and like she’s a bullfighter. Well you know what, I love it. And so does she. And she’s enjoying it, see that little smirk on her face? Go her.
Okay, glad we had this chat. Now let’s not worry about what anyone else thinks of our clothes (men OR women). Hopefully, none of you cared anyway!
Need a little more inspiration? Just go see the Man Repeller, of course!
Image via.

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