Next year for Halloween, I want to dress up like her.
Or perhaps a Fairy Godmother.
Would be totally awesome. Both paintings are by
Janet Hill. And just for fun, this is my most favorite painting of hers. She just looks so exasperated by him, doesn’t she?
I just ordered this long sleeve swing dress. Because you can’t have enough swing dresses. Or black dresses. Oh, and it’s only $44 and comes in a couple different colors. But I posted it on my facebook page last night and now there aren’t many left. Sorry about that.
And I’m lovin’ all over these cobalt and black color block pumps too. Aren’t they just divine?
So I try not to re-blog many of my instagrams because I figure most of you see them since they’re right there on the sidebar, but I had questions about my shirt I’m wearing. It’s this Cynthia Rowley top. Feels like a sweatshirt, can be worn so many ways. I’m obsessed.
And while we’re re-sharing instagrams, did you catch my Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley High collections? I was a total book nerd. I grew up in the country, there weren’t many kids around to play with after school… I got hooked. Would often read a book in a day.
Nothing tops Sweet Valley High (maybe S&TC). I know you read it too. Were you a Jessica or an Elizabeth? I’ll give you one guess on which I was… and it wasn’t Elizabeth ;)
Have a happy and safe Halloween!! And much love out to those affected by Hurrican Sandy. The news is just devastating. Hits home for us here in Charleston since we’re on the coast. Be careful!

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