A Coral House design update today :) Things are really coming together, and I feel so lucky to get to renovate a historic cottage on one of my most favorite islands in the world. It has it’s challenges logistically… getting stuff to the island is like a nightmare… So we’re really trying to use as much of the furnishings that came with the home as possible. Not everything that conveyed is my beach house vision, so I hooked up with the local seamstress on the island to make slipcovers! Enter my amazingly talented friend Lulie Wallace and her fabric collection…

Her colors and patterns are pretty much perfect for what I want, and I’m so excited to be using many of them in the house for the sofa, some chairs, a headboard, and window drapes.

Fletch is like Vanna.

Aren’t they amazing? I’m also eyeing Lulie’s interior figures series. I feel like these ladies would be so cool there, or here in our home in Charleston.

And an early look at Lulie’s next series that she’ll be rolling out soon – these painted textiles! She’s painting these pieces of fabric, hand sewing them to the matte, and framing them in these gorgeous acrylic frames. Dying.

So many new pretty pieces to see on Lulie’s website if you haven’t looked over there lately. And if you don’t follow her on instagram you totally should.
And of course you can follow along on our @CoralHouseHarbourIsland instagram account for more – I’ll be sharing a lot over there this week!
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