Okay I know I’ve talked about this detergent on my Instagram stories but I’m not sure that I have here? So allow me to pine over my favorite detergent that I add to my wash – Glamorous Diva. Yeah the name is awful. I hate the name. But the scent is pure magic. And trust me when I say a little goes a long way. So I use my regular powder detergent thrown directly in with the clothes and then add just a little of the Diva to the drawer! Magic.

By the way, we have two of these LG washer/dryer combo units. I love them, they work really really well, have a nice streamlined look, and all of the controls are in the middle so it’s easy to reach. I give them 5 starts. Here are some more Amazon faves lately!

slouchy sweater, unbreakable cups, bats decor, black zip Varley sweatshirt,
woven oval mirror, green printed dress, blue chargeable lamp, Mah Jong tiles,
Emma of 83rd Street, twist front mini, suction bath hooks, brown leggings, raffia mirror,
black dress, mini portable crock pot, blue rattan tiered table, blue cardigan
Okay I recently finished Emma of 83rd Street and it was SUCH A FUN READ. I read a lot of books and probably only talk about a quarter of them. So trust that this one is good. That blue circular two tiered side table is so cute and I love the raffia tabletop! Varley is one of my most favorite brands to wear during colder months, and this zip sweatshirt jacket is adorable. The green printed long dress is a special price right now and so cute. And isn’t that mini portable crock pot the most adorable? It comes in more colors too, great for lunches and tailgating!!
Oh and honestly I’ll probably make a whole other Amazon post with the suction bath hooks because we have them and I love them so much but wanted to give them a shout out in this post, too!
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