In light of Easter weekend, here are a few candy colored favorites.
studded bag, strappy blue dress, tropical otte dress, pink beach dress
kiini bikini, tribal thong sandals, ace & jig tank, lace panel dress
I just love that studded bag – comes in a few different pretty colors! And those tribal thong sandals are only $28!!
Those shoes!!! They might be my fav I’ve seen (those popular ankle straps styles do not work on me). Great picks!!
I loooove that bikini!! I have always been picky about swimwear, that ones is right up my alley. Of course, I could afford to be picky with my 25 year old body but now I may not be able to fit into that one!
pretty picks! i like the light blue dress. xo jillian – cornflake dreams
Ooooh the cutest suit. Happy Easter weekend, Chassity! xo