Guys I just want to buy things. Like, sit at home hide out from the cold and plan things for the future and buy pretty outfits for those plans. Anyone else?

butterfly dress, floral mesh flats, tropical maxi, blue sports dress,
black jeweled dress, alemais sundress, taupe sweater, red dress,
grey pullover, Agolde jeans, JCrew heels, floral midi dress
These floral mesh ballet flats I found on Anthro are a cute play off the crystal ones! Love this cutie new grey pullover for sporty outfits – the stripe detail on the collar and cuffs are adorable. I want to wear this taupe sweater. I have a prior season version of this Alemais sundress and you have to feel the weighty linen and swing-iness of it to FULLY appreciate how amazing it is.
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