Sorry for the late post this morning my lovelies. Last night’s free time was spent catching up with a good friend over dinner and trying to coordinate a last second trip to NYC to be at a taping of The Nate Show. Camila over at High-Heeled Foot in the Door scored me 2 tickets for this Tuesday’s taping just for design bloggers. I know what you’re thinking, “But you’re not a designer Chassity?”. And you’re right, I’m not. Which is why I was honored and floored to be given this opportunity. Sadly, I couldn’t coordinate all of the logistics in time to make it a reality. Boo. Dratz. Whaa. Okay, I’ll end my pity party here.
Have you all seen the show yet? I’m thrilled that we can now get a regular Nate fix. I’ve admired his style and charming personality ever since I first caught him on Oprah.
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