Date: Jan 15 2011

Filed Under: Fashion

Ready to meet yet another one of my talented friends?  Tim Will may concentrate his photography skillz on weddings, but frankly he’s an image snapping extraordinaire.  Check out his latest spread for Savannah Magazine.

Pretty good, huh?!  Here are a few from some of his past shoots for Savannah Magazine.

What’s even more mind boggling is that really he belongs behind the camera himself.  Here he is with his gorgeous wife, Sarah, and son, Dominic.  (They just recently added another boy, Ben, to their family)
And as I said, he focuses on wedding photography.  I pulled some of my favorite shots (hard to do).

So… who needs a wedding photographer??  Josh, can we get married again so he we can use Tim?  Or maybe a family photo will do…
Images via Tim Will.


Comments: 14

14 Responses to “Tim Will Photography”

  1. That’s it. I’m planning another wedding!

  2. Michaela says:

    AMAZING. Love the lighting!

  3. Erica says:

    Amazing images! Loving your seriously stylish blog. :) Erica

  4. Morgan says:

    Yes indeed..he’s fabulous alright!

  5. Nuha Sofiyan says:

    This makes me want to go get my pictures taken! The pictures are all so gorgeous!

  6. You my dear have a ridiculously talented group of friends and this gent is no exception. Gorgeous photography- the one with the girl and the beach holding her swim cap is my favourite- beautiful. Hope your havign a super weekend!

  7. Amanda says:

    WOW…and I thought my photographer was good…you win!

  8. Gray Benko says:

    Seriously, everything that he does just floors me. Thanks for sharing on your blog!

  9. Sara Mueller says:

    Beautiful pictures! He is super talented. Have a great weekend!

  10. caycee says:

    Chassity, OMG I just spent the last hour looking at his amazing work!!! He and his family are beyond gorgeous!! Think I may have to book a little family photo session!

  11. wow, gorgeous photos! tim is so talented and has a beautiful family too. thanks for sharing…i’m so glad i discovered your blog! happy weekend :)


  12. Amy R. says:

    All of these pictures are gorgeous!

    Have a great weekend!

    Amy R.

  13. Wow these are amazing! So much talent!

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