Well, I’m back. 5 days is a long time for me to be away. I’m really a 3 – 4 day trip type of girl (unless it’s a magical kind of vacation with my husband). I just love being in my home, consider my city to be the best in the world (so does Conde Nast, that’s pretty major), and of course enjoy being with my kids (with a few mental breaks, ha!).
BUT it was a trip worth it’s weight in time even though there were many moments when I wondered what I was learning there… more on that in a bit. As to be expected, there were a lot of sequins, fur, stripes, polka dots, headdresses, and bright lips. I mean. It was off the hook. I wish I would have taken pictures of everyone I saw that was donning one of these b/c this could have been a funny post. Oh on the note of pictures, not all of these are all that stellar, I only took my iPhone and the lighting was bad in a few.
My goal for the trip was to have a fun time with blog friends and network while learning a few tricks. That is EXACTLY what I did. What is the number one thing I’m coming away with? I feel reenergized and motivated to do some of the things that frankly I needed a kick in the ass to do. I need those from time to time. And if I have to fly out to SLC for said kick in the ass and lots of parties, then that’s cool.
Courtney before an especially bad speech)
About that especially bad speech. I mean, some of the panels and speakers left a lot to be desired. It’s funny to look through my notes and see crickets next to names where useful notes should have been jotted down. At times I felt as though I was listening to a few women just talk about all the cool and great things they’ve done, blah blah blah blah. I mean, I can go to your press and collab section to see that. I’m cool with hearing about it as long as you bring it back around to how you did it and some legit tips for others. That’s why you were asked to speak. I know, there’s some rule out there that says you shouldn’t share all your tips and secrets. And I believe it. But hell, share some! This was a golden opportunity to make a great impression on your fellow blogging community. Perhaps Alt needs to make it worth the while for speakers to divulge advice and content… Or maybe I have it all wrong? Nah, that couldn’t be. ;)
BUT there were also some really kick ass speakers (hey hey
Jenny!) who knocked my socks off and left me educated, inspired, and girl crushing. (She really is the best and sweetest girl and deserves every bit of success she’s earned.)
Shout Outs:
2. Hey
Stefan Sagmeister – your keynote speech was off the chain awesome. I can’t wait to see your new movie in full.
3. The last two years I’ve known that I adore my Alt roomie Gaby (
The Vault Files), but after this trip I can say that I love love her. We stayed up super late every night crying laughter. Thanks for that Gaby.
4. A few other extra special friends that haven’t been mentioned yet,
Meg, and
Trina. You girls are home girls for sure.
(Bailey, Sally, Jamie, Me, Gaby, Molly)
Some tips for other bloggers: (if you no bloggy then just skippy)
– Show your personality. If someone doesn’t like you then so be it. You’re the only you.
– Know your audience.
– Have a media kit. (I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile but am waiting for my re-design).
– Use an editorial calendar so that your blog doesn’t look like the last blog post you just read.
– Don’t be sneaky – if you got something for free be upfront about it. It’s obvious.
** Thinking about going to Alt in NYC this summer? I say go for it. If you’re a new blogger you’ll learn tons. If you’re more seasoned then you’ll learn a few new things, but more importantly will network and have a damn good time :)
I’m glad I had the ability to go and am thankful for that. Most of all, I’m thankful for you. You all keep this blog going and are pretty much my famjam. And I want to learn much, much more about you later this week! I really hope you’ll take the time to tell me about yourselves in my survey so that this Look Linger Love community can develop further and see and do some awesome things!!

I just came across your recap and I’m so glad I did! I’m headed to this years Alt and it’s helpful to read an honest recap… and nice to see another Charleston blogger braved the cold!
I knew we could count on you to tell it like it is! So glad you had a great time. I committed to Courtney that I’m going next year! Would LOVE to meet you in person!
I’m absolutely loving all of these thoughts on Alt. I would love to go but feel like my blog is too new / not serious enough / I’M not serious enough. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and DO IT! Looks like y’all had so much fun, I love the pics! And dang woman, props to you for wearing heels – eesh!
ALT is on my radar — thanks for the re-cap!
You look gorgeous in all the photos :)
Thanks for being the best of the best roomie one could ask for! It wouldn’t have been the same, fo sho! :)
Thanks for being the best of the best roomie one could ask for! It wouldn’t have been the same, fo sho! :)
Loved meeting you at ALT. It was a blur of events, speakers and parties.
I love your recap. I have dreaded doing mine. You hit it on the head.
Hope to see you in Charleston-
Looks like so much fun, and thank you for the tips!
nice review! im new to this blogging thing and have been thinking about going. this just about made my decision for me. a girl can always learn a new trick or two. or three!
Love the honesty of your recap…I wondered if secrets would be spilled. Obviously they talked about surveying your audience, bc everyone is doing them now! :) and a media kit, huh? wonder what that consists of?! You look so super cute and happy in every pic! one of these days…..
Loved the recap. I’m sad to hear you didn’t learn more from the speakers. Sometimes, I wish people would get real!! Love all your pictures of you and the other bloggers. Ok please talk to me about the nude sparkly pants please. I want them!!!!!! Thanks for sharing what you did learn. I’m going to remember all your tips. Oh and about making a post about all the way dressed up bloggers….I am thinking I need to do that for IFB. It is going to be hilarious! xoxo
I would’ve gone to just to party with all the cool kids! (c; What an amazing and fun bunch of gals…It sounds like Alt has a few bugs to work out before next year, though! And as always, you look *smashing* my dear! The fashion would’ve been #2 reason to go (c;
Loved the recap hot mama! Had so much fun with you!!!
Michelle I’m not sure… I guess I’ll see what other things come up and decide when registration opens up late summer.
Great insight. I know with other blog conferences I’ve been to, the educational parts can be hit or miss. Would love to do Alt in SLC next year… do you think you’ll go again?
X’s and O’s to you. You are now my homegirl and loved hangin’ with you. I hope I’ll make it down to Charleston sometime soon and we can hit one of your many restaurant hotspots!
I agree with Alex, but loved your little recap. I would have totally joined to hang with you gals – can’t wait for Dallas! xo
I’ve heard the same thing about a lot of the speakers from several other bloggers too. That’s too bad…but I loved following along with all of your pictures! It looked like you were having so much fun!! XoXo
It sounds like the social part was well worth it. Its too bad that the educational part was lacking though, especially since its not a cheap ticket.