Hi Everyone! I feel like I’ve been away from my blog for ages. I had a bunch of posts pre-written and ready to go last week while I was away, and then I took full advantage of enjoying the holiday weekend. But I’m pumped to be back :)
So I want to share details from Blogfest in NYC last week. SUCH a great time. I mean, what’s not to love about getting away for a girly trip with friends who understand your love of blogging, pretty interiors, and fashion :) Here are two of my ultimate favorites (+ a special addition, Margaret Russell, holy shitzballs).
Alright, I had to start out big :) Margaret’s super cool. But so are all of my bloggy friends. They all mean so damn much to me and are super duper cool. I’ll say it again, bloggers are cool in real life too! We all had such a fun time last week!
* Managed to squeeze in lots of time with my good friend Marysia
* Bloggers love colored skinny jeans (yes they were everywhere)
* Bloggers still love peonies
*Laura brought along her watercolor prints and I got to pick one!
* Me, Naomi, and Alex (2 girls that are my people for sure)
* One of the incredible displays at the New Traditionalist Showroom
* Hanging with Mr. Call. He’s totally awesome.
And then it rained some more…
As far as
Blogfest goes, for me it’s pretty much a good excuse to go have fun and network. I enjoyed a lot of parts of the actual Blogfest event, but some of it was just too much and way too crowded. Like, you could barely move in some of the show homes that we toured. But all in all Blogfest was a great event and I’m so happy to have had the opportunity to attend. Kravet did a superb job of hosting. And it was full of amazing people. Amazing people that I cannot even believe I don’t have a picture of to share here on the blog (you know who you are!) Oh, and I roomed with my friend
Amanda again. She’s the bomb, love her.

I’ll have a few more NYC trip related posts this week from some other fun things I did {the
Drybar party and a little trip up to
Lucky Magazine’s office.} I also ate way too much, shopped, and just flat out enjoyed myself. That is until it was time to go home. Basically a travel nightmare – canceled flight, sleeping in an airport (yes that actually ended up happening!)… But on the plus side, while hanging in the airport I did have the joy of witnessing two young girls get surprised by their parents with a trip to Disney World. I cried a little, I won’t lie, it was too sweet. Life is good.
Note: This post was edited on May 30th. It’s been brought to my attention that some of the opinions I opened up about and shared could be taken as hurtful, and that is really the last thing I want to do on here.

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