My life according to instagram… So I always feel torn on whether or not to do these posts, but I have no idea if y’all follow my instagram or not?! And these posts usually get a good response when I do them… If you hate it (or love it) please speak up.
Yesterday I took over Glitter Guide’s feed sharing some of my favorite things about Charleston! So much fun. Here’s what else is new.
My new art by Sally! I swear one of these days I’ll get it all up on my walls. What the heck is my deal anyway, right now they’re all leaning here and there in my house.
The prettiest flowers are blooming in Charleston right now.
Yummy breakfast at Park Cafe.
The kids laying on the afghan my great grandmother made. So special to me.
Our fireworks situation this past weekend for the 4th.
My favorite pair of kicks! Rug, too.
Stopped into Hampden and fell in love with the stripey bags.
I admit I might have a problem with umbrellas but I just couldn’t pass this baby up. It was on sale! And see, Lilly likes it. At least I didn’t buy it in every color.
Pretty new maxi dress for summer.
Follow along on my insta.
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