Date: Aug 8 2011

Filed Under: Fashion

I know it’s a little ridiculous to buy a child 4 coats when you live in the south, but isn’t Crewcut’s outerwear collection absolutely precious??!  I’ve decided that Lilly will definintely need the vest and that I really should narrow down the others.  But they’re all so different, I really could make a case for all 4…

We just got home last night from a wonderful trip to IN and KY to visit my family.  Sorry for the short post this morning while I get caught up.


Comments: 26

26 Responses to “Crewcuts Coats”

  1. Diana says:

    thanks for posting! i love all of these for my little girl too! either the ruffle or the simple one button coat will have to become a purchase soon in this household. : )

  2. she needs them all but that trench with the ruffle for sure!

  3. bottom left is my fav!

  4. I refuse to even go into that store!!! too cute for words

  5. emily says:

    Adorable! I don’t have kids, but I always look through the Crew Cuts catalog because their stuff is just precious!

  6. Oh they are so gorgeous!! My faves are the top 2, that ruffled jacket is so adorable! Though that trench is super super cute with the tulle peeking from under!

  7. Oh they are so gorgeous!! My faves are the top 2, that ruffled jacket is so adorable! Though that trench is super super cute with the tulle peeking from under!

  8. Oh they are so gorgeous!! My faves are the top 2, that ruffled jacket is so adorable! Though that trench is super super cute with the tulle peeking from under!

  9. So cute! Hope they make them in my size!

  10. Allison says:

    I’d have to get all 4! So chic! The little ruffled one is absolutely adorable. Loved your hubby’s comment!

  11. Natalie says:

    Ok that coat with the ruffles is amaze. If people wouldn’t look at Sterling weird I would so buy that for him or me:)

  12. oh, my those are adorable! have to show it to my girlfriend for her baby girl! xoxo

    btw, I have a little jewelry Giveaway over my place if you wanna check it out, and might like to enter!

    Thank you!

  13. Shut right up, does that trench have tulle on the bottom?!? That is definitely a must have (c: And yep, I’m pretty sure I could make a case for the rest of them as well! But what a fun dilemma…I love little girl clothes (c:

  14. Lily says:

    They are SO cute ! I would wear those. And they definitely are all so different…love the pink ruffle jacket and the trench with tulle !


  15. These jackets are SOOOO adorable!! So much in fact that I’d love them in my size!!!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Yes, 4 coats for a toddler who lives in the south is ridiculous. And, no, you can’t make a case for all 4.

    -the husband

  17. Amanda Hill says:

    I have the trench with tule in my cart for Haislee right now :)

  18. Oh my goodness! She definitely needs all of them. They are too cute!!

    Where did you visit in IN? I’m originally from there! Such a beautiful state!

  19. How presh are those!! So in love with the ruffles!

  20. Oh, I can’t get enough of the top right coat. It’s precious.

  21. All so adorable!!! When Amelia gets big enough to wear crewcuts I’m in trouble.

  22. holy coats!!! These are amazeballs!!! And yes, every single one is much needed. There are some seriously windy mornings downtown february :)

  23. Me too, I want the top right one for myself!! What great colors!

  24. Wow I want them all for myself too!! Lily definitely needs all of them. The vest for a chilly Sunday. The ruffle coat for brunch. The pink for a night on the town. And the trench for a casual dinner out :)

  25. Bud and Leo says:

    Wow they are all so precious and different- she will look adorable in them! The tulle peeking out from the trench is SO CUTE!!!

  26. Morgan says:

    The ruffle coat is a must!

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