I have so much to share this Saturday. Let’s jump to it!
Yesterday was our brand new Trader Joe’s grand opening (just 5 minutes from my house). I’ve never lived near a Trader Joe’s so I’m pumped. Lilly and I (being the avid shoppers that we are) of course had to go and check it out on opening day. It was PACKED. The lines were so crazy that I didn’t even bother purchasing anything, but founds a lot of fun things for next time. Do you have favorite Trader Joe’s products? I’ve heard their pizza dough is fabulous. I snapped this picture as we were walking in.
I had coffee with Julia of
Pawley’s Island Posh blog yesterday too. We’ve been blog buddies for almost a year and this was our first time to meet. To say that I adore her even more now is a major understatement. We didn’t snap a picture but I snagged this one from her blog. Isn’t she and her little girl adorable?!
Glitter Guide just posted this lipstick personality chart to their
facebook page. I tend to keep my lipstick close to the original shape which apparently means that I’m quite reserved- so it definitely didn’t get it right. Is it right for you?
Did you see my girl
Sally Benedict in the August/September issue of
Garden & Gun? So beautiful. I snapped a quick photo with my phone.
About a week ago I discovered that I had forgotten my hair straightener at the hotel in San Diego! Since it had been a week since we had checked out I didn’t figure I would have much luck getting it back, but when I called the
Grand Del Mar they did indeed have it! Yay! I just got it in the mail, which really only reminded me of our vacation. Did I tell you how wonderful the Grand Del Mar was? It was beautiful and the service was absolutely amazing. And for being such a nice resort, they were SO great with kids too! Did I tell you that every night they left chocolate covered oreos during turndown service? Heaven. I sure do miss it. Here’s a picture of us at the zoo.

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